TXOne Operational Technology Defense Console - Virtual Appliance (ODC-VA) 1.5 Data Collection Notice

Update Date: 2022/08/30


The following sections outline the features that collect data, the data transmitted, and the locations on the product console where you can disable the features.

  • Device Recognition
  • Virtual Patch
  • Pattern and Firmware Update


Device Recognition

Device Recognition allows the product to identify the devices connecting to the home network.

Data Collected Device Recognition identifies IP address and MAC address, BUT does not transmit any data to TXOne Networks.
Console Location This feature cannot be disabled because ODC-VA does not feedback any data to TXOne Networks.


Virtual Patch

Virtual Patching provides network-based intrusion protection for connected devices by detecting and blocking intrusions from network traffic.

Data Collected Virtual Patch solution inspects source IP address and destination IP address, BUT does not transmit any data to TXOne Networks.
Console Location This feature cannot be disabled since ODC-VA does not feedback any data to TXOne Networks.



Pattern and Firmware Update

Pattern and firmware update will be connected to the TXOne backend cloud. Backend cloud will know the ODC-VA information which includes source IP, host name, ODC-Product ID and license information.

Data Collected · Activation Code (License Key)
· Renewal Activation Code (License Key)
· IP address
· License information
Console Location Administration > Updates
Console Settings Configure Update Schedule